Sunday, September 29, 2013

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Claudia Sampedro “The Black Tape Project”

Claudia Sampedro
Claudia - Wearing Nothing But Tape

Thursday, September 26, 2013

FanBox Fun

How to Get More Fans at FanBox
At Fanbox, the secret of having more earning is to ensure more traffic to your blogs or contents.  So to ensure these visits, you are to follow some tips to gain traffics to your articles and photos or whatever you are uploading.

For that, the prime focus should be on having more fan at here.  

Why people will be your fan leaving others?

Your uploaded contents should be able to draw people to you. This can be possible by following these tips.

1. Write quality articles or blogs. Write good topics and those should be quality content. Do not go for huge number of blogs, don't think for quantity of them. Check the leading fanbox earning members. They don't write thousands of blogs.

2. Write On numerous top listed favorites. With this you will be able to reach multiple group of fanbox members. If you remain with only one particular topic, then you get only a focused reader group.

3. Be more active at FanBox. Be more active, be fan of others. Comment on their topics and other contents. Then you may expect others also to visit your uploaded contents.

4. Appearance. Like the other sectors of our life, be decent in your appearance at here. Have a good profile image, with your country's real identity. Never upload something, which people will not be able to click in presence of others. Have generalized top favorite contents more. Your appearance in fanbox remains socialized with a good impression. Avoid nudity and controversial topics.

Following the above tips may be helpful for you to get more traffic to your contents and which will ensure to have more fans. Thereby you start earning more.

Building Rapports

At the beginning, I was wondering why do I have to build those rapports and  why do I have to ask the personal questions to my clients. But after a while, I came to understand that building rapports is building bridges between me and my clients, to get to know them, to understand them, so that I can guide them to achieve their goals on FanBox effectively. After all, We are "Success Coaches".

I love simplicity, and here how I do:

1.I check my client center regularly.

2.Whenever I see new clients, I study their profiles and activities to get to know them.

3.After that I contact them immediately, with a simple and honest message but make them curious. How? It depends on person to person.

4.I let them feel welcome without having the feeling of being pushed.

I am not saying that it’s easy to get detail reply, but not impossible.
You don’t have to do cut copy and paste for your messages to your clients.
You don’t have to be rich with words in English. I was born in Burma, studied in Germany, living in Netherlands, and speaking in English. No one can be worse in English than me.

Using your own honest words, from your heart is the best to make them welcome and to get their respectful reaction.

Then about trust and motivation:
If you have no or a little trust in FanBox and its team  and you yourself not motivated on FanBox, There is no way you can convince your client to be motivated on FanBox.
So Learn to trust in FanBox and its team. Have faith.

My secret of building rapport successfully is understanding the human nature.
We all want to feel loved,
We all want to feel appreciated,
We all want to feel welcome,
We all want to feel that we are able,

Regardless of how or what we are and
Regardless of our differences.

All you need is "to have a heart of a FanBoxer".

Earn by Categorizing and Rating Posts.

How Earning by Categorizing and Rating Posts Works on
 People use FanBox Search to find the very best blog posts.
Now you can earn by Categorizing and Rating posts... helping FanBox Search to work even better.
In this post:
First, we'll discuss how you can CATEGORIZE posts
Then, we'll discuss how to RATE posts
And finally, we'll discuss how you can EARN by Categorizing and Rating posts

 Categorizing Posts
By categorizing a post, you are simply answering the question "What is this post REALLY about?"
 You categorize a post by entering one or more Search Terms into this yellow box (that appears at the bottom of all blog posts):
 You can also help Categorize a post by AGREEING or DISAGREEING with Search Terms that other people have entered

 Rating Posts
After Categorizing a post, you'll be asked to Rate the post -- by giving it a score of 0 to 10.

By rating a post, you are simply answering the question:
"How would you rate the QUALITY of this post, as compared to other posts about this same topic?"

Think about this:
Maybe you believe a post is definitely about "food" -- AND you believe it's a really HIGH QUALITY post about "food".
And maybe you think the same post is also definitely about "eating"; however, you believe it's NOT really a great post about "eating".
So you might think that a post is really about a number of different topics. But within each of those topics, you might have a different opinion of how good the post is for that topic -- so you rate it differently for each topic.
 Rating a post teaches FanBox Search HOW HIGH the post should appear in search result listings -- relative to other posts about that same topic (Search Term).

Here's an example of rating posts:

After Categorizing a post with the Search Term "food", you are then asked to Rate it -- picking a number between 0 and 10.
3 and 4 are below average; 5 is average; and 6 and 7 are above average.

In summary, there are 3 activities in Categorizing and Rating posts:

Entering a new Search Term into the yellow Search Term box
Agreeing or disagreeing with a Search Term that someone else entered
Rating a post, after you categorize it by doing activity A or B.

HOW DO YOU EARN by Categorizing and Rating posts?

By Categorizing and Rating posts, you're playing a very important role in the Knowledge Economy, because:
You're determining where posts appear in FanBox search result listings: Up high at the top; in the middle... or near the bottom.
Remember that posts that appear near the top of search result listings can get over 100 times more visitors than those that appear in the middle or bottom of search result listings.
More visitors translate into more time (user engagement) spent in blogs -- which is how bloggers get paid on FanBox.
More visitors from FanBox Search also mean more fans, friends and blog followers -- leading to even more future earnings for the blogger.
So by Categorizing and Rating posts, you're helping to determine which posts deserve to get the lion's share of earnings... and how much bloggers earn.

What does this mean to you?

You do not want to Categorize or Rate posts without first putting on your THINKING CAP!
If you categorize or Rate without having first carefully read the blog post, you will almost definitely be hurting your Score.
So make sure to read the blog carefully before Categorizing and Rating it.
If you haven't carefully read the post -- enough to form an opinion about it -- I strongly advise you to NOT Categorize or Rate the post.
People who achieve high CAR Scores will be rewarded with very good Categorizing and Rating earnings -- as I promise you will see in the coming days.
People with low Scores will earn almost nothing from Categorizing and Rating.

To maximize you’re Earnings:

Categorize and Rate as many posts as possible!
The more you categorize and Rate, the more you earn -- so long as you're carefully reading the posts so that you can categorize and Rate them smartly.

Do Not Be Afraid of Boost! Here's Why!

Would You Buy a $10 Bill for $6?
Of course you would. Who wouldn't pay six dollars to get ten dollars?
Did you know it's possible on FanBox? So, stop being afraid of boosting your profits!

What I am talking about is this. If you haven't used Boost (formerly known as the Knowledge Investor), I highly recommend that that you try it out.
The fastest way to earn money on FanBox is to use Boost.

When you use Boost you can get a fast return on your investment and you can do it for as little as $1.00.

Now here is why I am telling you about this because it's about timing.
When there's less money funding ads through Boost - you get better return on your investment and I am guessing since a lot of people recently cashed out, it's a good time right now to test drive it if you haven't or get back in if you already have used it.
In fact, the first couple of weeks of any month is the prime time to invest, although you're always going to make money on it no matter when you choose to use Boost.

If you aren't sure how it works, here is how easy it is to Boost.

You need money in your FanBox Bank that you can use.
Use Paypal (easiest) or Western Union (charges $14.95) to put any amount from $10.00 and up into your FanBox account.
AND FanBox will now pay the PayPal fees on money you use to top-up your account.
I like to put in around $25 once a week.
If you don't already have a Paypal account, go set one up, it takes a minute or less to do.
Go ahead, I'll wait right here until you come back.

Next, we need to put money that you can access into your account.
Go to the Add Funds tab and click it - the link is here:
Or just look on the upper right in your FanBox Dashboard.

Then you need to add a minimum of $10 to your FanBox Bank.
Remember, you can invest as little as a $1 at a time but the funding minimum for the Bank is $10.

Let's say you're putting in $10.
Fill in the amount.
Click the PayPal button.
Click "Submit"
You will automatically take to Paypal where you can complete the transaction, it takes just about one minute to do.
Once the money is in your Bank (it will be available immediately, no waiting!)
You can go to the Boost

Now here is where the fun starts, set up one Boost portfolio or split your money over 10 portfolios of $1 each if you want. You can choose in people or topics (you can invest in yourself!). There are no wrong answers, however you want to boost your profits is fine.

Now, here is the part that confuses a lot of people about Boost, and that's how Boost chooses how to spend the money is put into portfolios.
If you want the fastest return possible, ask for a lower return.
If you remember nothing else from this post, remember that.

I'm a Penny Player
A lot of times I ask for $25.01 back on a $25.00 investment!
Yes, a penny.

Because here is how Boost works.
It spends the money of the people who ask for the lowest returns FIRST and then moves on.
It goes through the advertising day funding ads doing this over and over and going to progressively higher returns. It will spend mine, and then move on to someone looking for a 105% return. Now when that investment is utilized on ads, I get 105% instead of my original return.
When investor moves on to the next investment portfolio that asks for a 110% return and utilizes that person's investment, I now get 110%. 

Now whatever returns percentage Boost is at for the end of the day, EVERYONE who had their money spent gets that level of return.
Do you see how fantastic this can work for you to make fast money?

So far the best I have done is a 347% return with the average being around 125% for my investments. That's a lot better than my yearly return from my Money Market account at my bank!
Because I do Penny Investing, my investments are usually utilized (spent) within 2 days.
That means the countdown to cashing out my investment starts a lot faster!
Word of advice to you - choose the smallest profit you will be happy with (102% or better) so using the Boost knowledge role is fun and enjoyable for you.

If you haven't already, try out the Boost knowledge role, if it's the first 2 weeks of the month, NOW is the time! Anytime if good, but I find slightly better returns during the first half of the month. I've never lost on Boost, not once. It's easy to use and if you're confused or unsure please contact me or leave a comment here and I will happily help you!

10 Secrets to Success

These secrets of success makes people’s (our) dreams come true.
Want to know the secrets of success? here they are:
The staff of Investor’s Business Daily has made it their business to track and analyze successful people across all walks of life.
Over the years, they discovered that most successful people have 10 traits in common, and that these 10 traits — together — help successful people meet their goals and turn dreams into reality.
How many of these 10 secrets of success do you practice?
1.  How you think is everything.  Remember to “think positive” at every opportunity.  Visualize success, not failure.  Avoid negative environments and people.
You are what you think.  In fact, a study shows that positive thinking actually increases longevity.
2.  Decide on your dreams and goals.  Be specific about your goals.  For example, say “I am taking a cooking class next month,” rather than “I would like to take a cooking class sometime.”  Create a plan to reach your goals, and stick to it.
3.  Take action.  Goals alone have no meaning; you need to take action to make them real.  Don’t let fear hold you back.  “Just do it”
4.  Never stop learning.  Take classes, go back to school, read books, join discussion groups.  If you are interested in a subject, make time to learn about it.  Keep acquiring new skills.
5.  Be persistent and work hard.  You’ve probably heard the expression “success is a marathon, not a sprint.”  keep your eye on the goal, and keep working towards it.  Don’t give up.
6.  Learn to analyze details.  Get all the facts, and ask for input.  This will help you make wiser decisions.  Acknowledge your mistakes, but don’t beat yourself up.  Learn from your mistakes.
7.  Focus your time and money.  When you believe in something, put your attention and energy there.  Don’t let people or things distract you.
8.  Don’t be afraid to innovate; be different.  Be true to yourself, and have your own ideas.  Following the crowd is a path of mediocrity.
9.  Communicate with people effectively.  Remember that no person is an island.  Communicate your thoughts and desires honestly, and encourage others to communicate honestly with you.  Practice understanding and motivating other people.
10.  Be honest and dependable;  take responsibility for what you do.  Never cheat or lie.  when you promise, keep it.  When you screw up, admit it.
without honesty, dependability and responsibility, the other nine secrets of success don’t add up too much.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Beginner’s Guide To Creating Your Own Blog

Every day, more and more people are getting into the exciting world of blogging for fun or profit. It’s never been easier to set up a fun, professional-looking blog.
My name is Court Tuttle, and I’ve been a full-time professional blogger since 2007. I created this “complete walkthrough” to ensure that if you want to, you can have an awesome blog that’s set up and configured like a professional’s TODAY.

Why You Should Use This Guide Instead Of All The Others

Let’s be honest, there are a lot of guides out there that can teach you how to start a blog and set it up. I’ve personally looked at dozens of them. Most of them unfortunately were not created by people who have successful blogs and if you haven’t been successful yourself, obviously you can’t teach others to be successful. When I read those guides, I see right through them.
I have found two guides that are REALLY good, but they are paid guides that costs $97 and $247. You’ll find them if you look for them. They both have everything you need to set up a great blog but let’s be honest, you shouldn’t have to PAY just to learn how to set up a blog.
After seeing what I saw, I decided to create a free guide myself that anyone can use to start a killer blog. You may not care about making money with your blog (or if you’re like me you may) but trust me, your blog will be a lot more fun if it’s set up in a way that can attract more visitors and readers. This guide gives you the tricks and secrets I have used to create the blogs I make my living with.

The Biggest Benefits Of Having A Blog

Increased income. Before I started my first blog, I was STRUGGLING financially. I kept thinking day after day that if I could find a way to make even a few hundred dollars extra every month, it would change my life.
I learned about blogging and websites and considered giving it a shot. The problem? After my research I had discovered that to do it right, it would cost me $120 (hosting fee) to get my first blog site up and running. I was afraid of losing that money. Looking back, I know that the fear I had came from never investing in MYSELF before. I just kept thinking: What if I screwed it up?
I was back and forth for a while. Finally, I thought about all the stupid stuff I had wasted money on and decided to move forward. I decided that if it didn’t work, I just wouldn’t tell anybody about it! From there it’s a long story, but to summarize, my blogs DID make that few hundred I was looking for, and much much more. After about a year, I was able to quit my job. I couldn’t be more grateful that I invested in myself.
Friends. I never anticipated that through blogging, I would meet some of my greatest friends. I am amazed at how many cool, awesome, talented people I’ve met.
I’m a super-shy introvert so for me, meeting new people is difficult. Blogging has made it a lot easier for me to interact with people and create new friendships. I’ve found that blogging mainly makes this possible because if you’re a good blogger, you’re out to help people. I make a concerted effort to help as many people as I can and they in turn try to help me. Caring about others = Friends.
An incredible résumé. Thanks to my blogs, I don’t need to have a job anymore. But, in the last few years I have padded my résumé in a huge way. If I ever did decide to go back to work (at a job), it would be ridiculously easy to find one. Having your own blog could really help a future employer to see your passion for an industry. One of my friends got a job as a University Professor (without a graduate degree) because he had an incredible blog about the subject he wanted to teach. The University is now helping him to get his graduate degree – isn’t that awesome?

Why Free Blogs Aren’t Really Free At All

I can’t recommend with a clear conscience that you use a free platform like Blogger for your blog. While it’s technically free to get started on Blogger, the actual cost is in reality, very expensive. There are multiple ways you can lose your shirt with a free blog:
#1 – It’s possible for you to lose your blog to someone else. One of my really good friends created a great blog on Blogger and was able to make good money with it for a while. Somehow, a troll was able to get his user name and password and ended up taking over the blog. After some fighting with Blogger, he was able to eventually get it back but the blog’s traffic had been significantly damaged. He lost a ton of income.
#2 – Blogger (or any other free platform) can shut you down at any time, if they don’t like your blog. Literally thousands of people have lost their blogs simply because the team at Blogger didn’t like the content of their blogs. On other occasions, I’ve seen Blogger shut down blogs because they thought the owner was stealing other people’s content. In reality, the content was being stolen FROM them. Lametown.
#3 – You don’t have control of your blog. I’ve seen this work against people in a lot of ways. For example, my sister figured out that she could create a lot more income if she used ads right at the end of her posts. Since she was on Blogger, she couldn’t put an ad in the right location unless she edited every single post (she has hundreds of posts).
Paying for a blog isn’t expensive – it’s dirt cheap and can save you thousands. NEVER start with a free blog, even if you aren’t sure how serious you want to be about blogging. It isn’t worth losing all of your hard work. You can get hosting for $5-7 per month. It’s like eating at Wendy’s.

How To Create Any Type Of Blog With This Guide

This guide teaches you how to set up a blog on the WordPress platform – the platform used by over 90% of the successful blogs on the web. This platform is very flexible and allows you to create almost any type of look, allowing you to have any type of blog.
WordPress uses themes that you can use to change your blog to look however you want it to. This guide shows you the entire process of choosing and installing a new theme in an easy-to-digest, video format. There are literally tens of thousands of free ‘themes’ to choose from. If you use this guide, you’ll be able to pick any theme you want and install it on your blog.
I’ve seen blogs started through this guide that cover Religion, Philosophy, Parenting, Fashion, Sports, Marketing, Photography, Food, Fitness, Decorating, and many other topics. I happen to be somewhat of an expert on what WordPress can do and am willing to help you if you get stuck so there’s no need to be intimidated, even though this stuff is new to you.